SI Serie

New serie of heavy duty stainless steel pneumatic sealers, ideal for food and electronic applications

Heavy duty stainless steel pneumatic impulse sealers, ideal for food and electronic applications

Available with mm 520, 720, 1020 seal lenghts.

Seal width 5 or 8 mm, temperature, time and cooling setting, sealing parameters controls

Sealable materials: LDPE/HDPE/BOPP/PAPE/ALPE/MEDICAL Cated paper, Tyvek® and Pluriboll.Steady high quality standard

Low maintenance requirements.

Numberless special versions already designed.


Food, electronics, medical, pharmaceutical, laboratories and chemical industry


With impulse and/or hot bar version

With vacuum function (Venturi system) version

Validatable ISO 11607,2 standards version, with accurate sealing parameters control

Standard version

IP 65 version


SIS stand adjustable in height, to allows vertical sealing

SIPI inclined working table (only with SIS)

SIPO horizontal working table (only with SIS)

SIRS bag stretcher (only on 1020 version)

RL 200 independent gravity roller, dimensions: mm 2000 x 500 (only with SIS)